Devon, United Kingdom – Pifflers United Chronic and Invisible Illnesses Support Community, www.facebook.com/PifflersUnited announced the release of results of a study of ActiPatch®, a new bioelectronic pain therapy device, in the self-management of fibromyalgia pain. The results demonstrated that when used in the area of worst pain, very significant clinically meaningful pain reduction can be achieved.

The 140 group members with fibromyalgia used ActiPatch® for 7 days and were then sent a survey questionnaire to assess their experience; 74 members of the group completed the questionnaire. The average pain reduction across all the respondents was 33% with 79% of them reporting a pain decrease. When analyzed excluding those with no or very little pain improvement, the therapeutic response rate was 69% with a 47% reduction in pain.

“These findings are remarkable in a notoriously difficult to treat condition and will be welcomed by the fibromyalgia population and chronic pain community who, as a consequence of ineffective or insufficient pain therapy, often suffer from very high baseline pain levels. This is an opportunity for fibromyalgics to self-manage their pain using a therapy that is safe, effective, affordable and easy to use,” says Tracy Thorogood, Pifflers ‘Founder. “ActiPatch® Therapy offers an invaluable new over the counter treatment that helps improve quality of life.”

Tracy Thorogood said “I suffer from the chronic condition that is Fibromyalgia and set up a social network group to support other chronic illness sufferers late last year. Earlier this year, I was introduced to ActiPatch by a member in my support group and was able to experience pain relief for the first time in 7 or 8 years. Having trialed the 7-day ActiPatch, I went on to purchase the 720 hour version and the reduction in pain has made a significant difference to my quality of life. It was so important to me to be able to share this amazing product with my group members and the trial ensued. I would like to see this non-medicated pain relief available to everyone suffering from a chronic illness in the UK and for it to be seen as the “go to” device for pain relief within the medical community. The Fibromyalgia and chronic illness community has suffered in silence for too long and finally, here we have a product that relieves chronic pain with none of the horrible side effects or contraindications. Until we have a cure, ActiPatch is the next best thing.”

The National Fibromyalgia Association describes fibromyalgia as a common and complex chronic pain disorder characterized by chronic widespread pain, multiple tender points, abnormal pain processing, sleep disturbances, fatigue and often psychological distress.
ActiPatch® Therapy is a light, wearable bioelectronic medical device that emits a pulsating electromagnetic field that penetrates the body without sensation or heat to induce an electric field in the affected joint and tissue. The clinically proven drug-free technology reduces acute and chronic pain and inflammation. ActiPatch® Therapy is a safe, localized treatment that can be used in conjunction with other pain treatments including systemic drugs and localized topical drug applications.

To view the complete study results, please visit www.facebook.com/PifflersUnited.

Pifflers United Mission Statement
Pifflers United was set up to provide support and friendship to people suffering from chronic and invisible illness. Irrespective of what a condition is called, we all suffer from the same or similar symptoms – the symptoms unite us in common ground not necessarily a specific illness. It is a community where you will find acceptance and understanding, backed with a positive vibe.

About BioElectronics Corporation
BioElectronics Corporation is a leader in biophysics and the maker of an industry leading family of disposable, drug-free, pain therapy devices: ActiPatch® Therapy, over-the-counter treatment for back pain and other musculoskeletal complaints; RecoveryRx® Devices for chronic and post-operative wound care; Allay® Menstrual Pain Therapy; and HealFast® Therapy for dogs, cats and horses. For more information, please visit www.bielcorp.com.

Susan Leigh
Fuel PR International
(0)20 74988211

Paul Knopick

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